Physical Testing

In our temperature and humidity control lab we are able to carry out a number of different tests on plasterboard and these include flexural strength (expressed as flexural breaking load), dimensions and determination water absorption of boards.

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The Building Test Centre has the capability to do small scale loading tests utilising a Zwick universal loading machine. The machine allows both tension and compression loading to be evaluated. The machine has also a variable rate of loading. The flexibility of the universal loading machine means that it can be adapted to replicate the majority of loading conditions. 

Testing Types


Density, Width, Length, Thickness, Squareness of ends, Edge and end profiles, Surface water absorption and Total water absorption and Determination of flexural strength (flexural breaking load). 

Laboratory Physical Measurement 

The laboratory is accredited for the following Physical test method:

 BS EN 520: 2004 + A1 2009

Gypsum plasterboards — Definitions, requirements, and test methods 

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